today is a greenish day for me i think because mom asked me to help her to pluck the leaves of water jasmine. this is the very first time i've being ordered to do this thingy.
[] before plucking []
[] start plucking []
=( omg, leaves leh leaves leh. luckily my house just have two water jasmine bonsai, one small one big. unlike my neighbors got more than five bonsai. more than thousand of leaves i need to pluck. mom and i finished plucking in one hour time. we gossip-ing this and that when we're plucking the leaves.
[] mummy is plucking too []
[] omg leaves !! []
[] in process []
suddenly i asked my mom,
me:" mi, is it when a person become older they will fond to do gardening? tu...just like you lor. XD "
mummy :" where got? don't simply say me oh. I've been done gardening since i'm 30 years old oh. but oh.. what you asked just now suit on your daddy."
me & mummy :" hahahaha"
[] still in process []
mom saw a millepede on the bonsai. While i plucking the leaves, i also "attacking" the millepede with a stick (actually i'm very scare of those tiny weird scary geli insects).
[] before attacking it []
[] after attacking it XD []
[] the bonsai is almost bold []
[] the plucked leaves on the pot []
though quite hot yet it's nice activity. this is because mom said looking at green thingy good to eyes. =) here are some piccas of water jasmine after the bonsai is "bold".
plucking the leaves of water jasmine is the sign of the chinsse new year festival is coming soon. yay..looking forward for CNY =)
[] deng deng deng deng..botak bonsai !! []
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