[] ...shopping []
finally my shopping "kicks" came to me today XD. 3 hours of shopping is quite tiring yet it made my day much more colourful. 4 ladies shop till craving for food. just pity the lil mister of my house. this is because he was following us to shop for girly stuff. not us drag lil mister shop along while is his willingness of offering himself to "bodyguard" us, though he is only 11 year 7 months and 15 days. when there is a shopping "kicks", then only i will "hunt" for clothes.

saturday's afternoon is a day for shopping because there won't have any traffic jam yet during that hour =).
oh yeah, im totally in love with polka dots till max.

Blue colour and polka dots is absolutely my choice of this year CNY clothes. Gosh,too many polka dots for me this year!! polka polka <3 ya ~~~

still need to shop more till my mom start to bla bla bla that ...
"yee, your closet got too many clothes ady. i'll take any one i likey ya."
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