pimples are so loyal to me. already 23 years old and 5 months and 17 days, but then im still like teen female in adolescence stage . the pimple is growing here n there on my face. arghhhhh~~~`

see at the red arrow i pointed to on my cheek. that is the dotted scar the pimple left after i pinched it. that pimple was supy dupy large k. the largest in this century i think. it scared me because it stayed on my cheek for almost 4-5 days yet there is no yellowish thingy pop out.mom said maybe is a "bisul" and she said if it's serious maybe need to go for doctor.arghhhhhhh.... this totally freak me out man. then i cant bear with the so-called bisul thingy.so, i decided to prove that it is truly a pimple by pinching the yellowish thingy out. i keep telling myself that it is a HUGE PIMPLE when i were finding the "head" and then "phewwwwww". yeah it's really a pimple.thank God.
oh ya, the reason why im covering my forehead when i take dis picca is
because ( the following picca will tell the reason why )

arghhhhhh pimples party!!!!
i wish i can have a smooth face just like when i was a kid
[] is me!!!! when i was 6 years old. []the above picca is the very first time i expose in public.none of my friend see this picca before and Mr. Lulu too. just my family and i know how not-cute-at-all i am T.T
im still not-cute and not-pretty-at-all.see, how chubby i am and how round my face is. im born to be a fatty n chubby girl. mama ~~~~~~~~~~ *sob sob*